TMI Seminar – Dominic Burbidge – How to build a Trustful and not just a Big Society

12 December 2012

The speaker explored the comparative dynamics of trust and trustworthiness, and consider the social prerequisites for a trustful society. Given the challenges of migration and multiculturalism, recent scholarship has attempted to determine the props of an inclusive citizenship that can bridge divides between cultures. Is this endeavour feasible? Is it worthwhile? What are the barriers to a trustful society and how may these be overcome?

Dominic Burbidge is a doctoral student in political science at the University of Oxford. In 2009 he became Dahrendorf Scholar of St Antony’s College for work on freedom of expression in multi-faith environments. To take up a Frankel Memorial Studentship in Political Economy he recently migrated to Oriel College where he works on trust between citizens in urban spaces, particularly in cases of rapid urbanisation in East Africa. He is Associate Editor of, a website for inter-cultural dialogue on free-speech issues in the thirteen most popular world languages. He is a consultant to Strathmore University, Kenya.

If you are interested in attending please contact Piers Tattersall ( to receive an invitation.