I must say I gave this title partly to shock people. Famously, just before he became Pope, Cardinal Ratzinger spoke out against moral relativism, and just this last week in Poland the Pope has again spoken out against relativism. What he means by this, I take it, is that we should reject ethical views that […]
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1. Introduction The title of this paper has the ‘1960s’ in inverted commas, because I am concerned not with what happened in the decade, but with the ‘60s’ as a concept. I came to be thinking about this subject in the course of writing the last volume of the New Oxford History of England 1951-1990. […]
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I. During the American civil rights movement, a piece of African-American wisdom came into broad circulation in the United States: “You’ve got to walk the walk, not just talk the talk’. Which meant, simply, that public officials must act on their convictions, not just talk about them. It’s a useful reminder that courage in public […]
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